Goma 6.0 Training at the University of New Mexico

Event Status
GOMA Logo - red letters on blue background

Dear NASCENT Faculty, Staffs, Students, and Industrial Partners: 

We will conduct a three-day training course on the software Goma 6.0 on the main campus of the University of New Mexico. The training will be held from Monday August 6 until Wednesday August 8.

Goma 6.0 is a multiphysics finite element software package that excels in the simulation of free and fixed boundary fluid and solid mechanics problems.  This unique software has been advanced for over a decade to meet the modeling requirements of a wide variety of manufacturing processes and serves as a foundational computational tool for the NASCENT Center.   The software is available as an open source and you can find more information about it at http://goma.github.io/

The course will be taught by one of the original creators of Goma, Professor P. Randall Schunk, of Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of New Mexico and Sandia National Laboratories, and by Dr. Kristianto Tjiptowidjojo, of Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of New Mexico.

Who should take the course?  NASCENT students, faculty and industrial partners engaged in or would like to use computational simulation for fluid & solid continuum mechanical systems. 

Registration date deadline: July 20, 2018.  There is limited seating, and so students will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.  Please email Kris Tjiptowidjojo ( tjiptowi@unm.edu ) to sign up.  If you have any questions regarding course content, requisite skills for taking the course or any other concerns, please email Randy Schunk (prschun@sandia.gov

(NOTE: no cost to NASCENT participants, beyond your own travel and lodging)

Date and Time
Aug. 6 to 8, 2018, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
University of New Mexico