NASCENT and MRSEC host Research Experiences Poster Symposium
NASCENT and the Center for Dynamics and Control of Materials - Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (CDCM MRSEC) hosted a poster symposium on Friday, July 27, 2018 in the Engineering and Education Research Center (EER) at The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) to display the work of participants in their Summer Research Experiences Programs. Work was presented by participants in three programs: Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), Research Experiences for Teachers (RET), and the CISTAR Young Scholars Program.
2018 Best Mentor Awards
This is the third summer we have implemented a new recognition system to reward graduate student mentors who have distinguished themselves in the areas of mentorship and education of our summer research interns - and I am thrilled to announce our 2018 winners! All of our NASCENT graduate student mentors contributed countless hours over the summer in an effort to provide the best possible research experiences for the high school students, undergraduates and teachers in our education programs. We have exceptional mentors in all of our programs and I would like to first recognize all of their efforts – THANK YOU for all that you did this summer to support our participants, and in so doing, furthering the goals of our NASCENT Education Programs. You are making a tremendous difference in the lives of young people by sparking and/or solidifying a strong interest in engineering along with showing your mentees what they can accomplish through the world of research.
While all of our mentors were extraordinary, we have a handful who went beyond in their roles as a teacher, guide, mentor – exhibiting outstanding efforts in the mentorship of our summer participants. NASCENT would like to recognize the following individuals through the Best Mentor Awards:
1st Place – Xin Xu, advised by Prof. Ananth Dodabalapur
2nd Place – Neal Wostbrock, advised by Prof. Tito Busani & Brennan Coffey, advised by Prof. John Ekerdt
3rd Place – Liam Connolly, advised by Prof. Michael Cullinan
Please join me in congratulating our 2018 NASCENT Best Mentor Awardees!
We recognized our awardees at the NASCENT Summer Closing Lunch. The awardees will formally be recognized at the fall meeting of the 2018 Industry Advisory Board meeting. For their outstanding performance, they will receive an additional merit in the following amounts: 1st - $500, 2nd - $200, 3rd - $100.
Risa Hartman | NASCENT ERC Pre-College Director

Dr. Delia Milliron received the 2018 Edith and Peter O'Donnell Award in Engineering
Recognizing Dr. Milliron's work to develop new coating materials to dynamically control IR transmission, “The TAMEST Edith and Peter O’Donnell Awards showcase the best and brightest among Texas researchers,” says TAMEST President Gordon England.

WORKSHOP: Accelerating Innovative Manufacturing Technology for Flexible Hybrid Electronics
August 6-7, 2018, San Jose, CA: NSF, NEXTFLEX and NASCENT hosted a workshop aimed at Academic and Industry PIs with strong interests in creating partnerships that are expected to develop to proposals for submission to the NSF in the year following the workshop.

Prof. Deji Akinwande Receives Friedrich Bessel Research Award
The award is presented to internationally renowned academics from outside Germany in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments in research to date and their exceptional promise for future endeavors.

Three UT Austin Professors Named Fellows of the National Academy of Inventors
Congratulations to faculty members John B. Goodenough, James W. McGinity and Sidigata V. Sreenivasan.

ASPE Winter 2020 – Precision Micro-Nano taking place at UT Austin, January 16-17th
The American Society of Precision Engineering Micro-Nano Technical Leadership Committee (ASPE MNTLC) is planning our second spring conference to gather the community. We view micro-nano precision engineering as engineering with a focus on determinism in resolving or exploiting small-scale dependent issues and physics. The specific focus on micro-nano will help this small community share their work and find others with relevant problems and solutions via a conference structure specifically designed to facilitate networking. This event will focus on connecting precision micro-nano engineering experts in different areas. The conference will draw on academics, industrial experts and members of national labs.

2019 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Poster Symposium Winners
The NASCENT ERC and CDCM MRSEC hosted an end of program Poster Symposium on Friday, July 26, for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) and Young Scholars programs. Over 40 students and teacher presented posters at the event, with 100+ attendees. The REU students participated in a poster competition, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd taking home cash awards. We would like to congratulated those top winners! Awardees: Gillian Boyce, Ka'Toria Edwards, Natalie Goddard

Grant Willson Wins Engineering’s Highest Honor
The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) will bestow Texas ChE professor C. Grant Willson with the Charles Stark Draper Prize for Engineering — widely regarded as the highest honor in the profession — for his pioneering work enabling the extreme miniaturization of microelectronic devices.

NASCENT Director Dr. S.V. Sreenivasan elected to National Academy of Engineering
Dr. Sreenivasan recognized by the academy for his innovation and entrepreneurship in industrial deployment of nanoimprint lithography equipment, having pioneered the creation of nanoscale manufacturing systems that have enabled broad commercial deployment of unmanned vehicle nanoimprint lithography technology.