R2R-Micro-Nano | Preparing and Uploading Your Virtual Presentation

The International Conference on Micro- and Nano-devices Enabled by R2R Manufacturing

2021 Inaugural Meeting (Dec. 15th-17th, Austin, TX)

Preparing and Uploading Your Virtual Presentation

As an online virtual conference, all presentations will be pre-recorded (voice over PowerPoint) by the presenter and uploaded by November 29, 2021. See instructions below.

  • Short Courses will be held on December 15th. The plenary and technical presentations will run on December 16–17 in sessions chaired with live introductions and Q&A.
  • All authors of accepted extended abstracts and papers are required to upload a pre-recorded video (voice over PowerPoint) of their paper presentation.
  • For each paper, the session chair will play your pre-recorded video. You will then be introduced by the session chair and there will be questions and answers on your presentation.
  • Please note that the file must be a video file in MP4 format (more details below). Please do not upload Powerpoint or PDF files. The presentation can be recorded by any of the co-authors.

Authors Guidelines for Preparing Recording

Authors please use the following guidelines for preparing your video for uploading. 

  • Each paper will be given 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A). At least one author must join the live virtual session to answer questions.
  • Please be sure the video includes the title of the paper, author(s), and organization.

Duration: 15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for LIVE Q&A with attendees. At least one author must join the live virtual session to answer questions.

File format: MP4

Aspect ratio: 16:9

Upload deadline: November 29th

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation. In this method, you can show your face via webcam (if you’d like) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software as long as you get a good quality recording and your final file is in the MP4 format. NOTE:  Zoom generated MP4s are compact; PPT MP4s are very large.

Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:


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View of Austin downtown from south edge of Town Lake from boardwalk.jpg